Title: Marijuana Legalization- Go to other States
Title: Luke vs Morgan Debate
Begins at 30 minutes! For more information on SAM- Smart Approaches to Marijuana |
Title: Monopoly
Title: AALM- Amendment 3- Mom
Title: Tragedy
Title: Psychosis is Real and Tragic
Amendment 3 & 4 Combined Information to print & share
Don't believe everything you read or hear!
Know the Facts.
This is not about personal freedom to use marijuana but big marijuana (a.k.a. Trulieve the sole company with rights to license distributors)making millions of dollars! If they are willing to spend nearly $100 million dollars to legalize marijuana what else are they willing to do next? In 2024, there is a new record-holder for the most expensive marijuana legalization measure: Florida Amendment 3. With $105.08 million between supporters and opponents, Amendment 3 has already surpassed California Proposition 64 by $77.94 million.
Amendment 3:
Anywhere & Anytime– Beaches, Restaurants, Sidewalks… |
IMPACT of Leglaizing Marijuana:
Comment: There is nothing safe or smart about Amendment 3. Besides the obvious impact smoking pot or using marijuana products will be impacted. Not just people driving high but we will be forced to accept a person's constitutional right to use marijuana anywhere and anytime. There are no provisions, like tobacco, for zoning restrictions. And, there are no THC limits. Other states that have legalized marijuana have seen the potency increase exponentially which means those using will be prone to psychosis episodes, addiction and suicide. Don't be doped this is about Big Marijuana luring people to believe marijuana is safe and health to make big profits which to be clear the tax revenue collect is insignificant to the impact of society costs.
Amendment 3 Secretary of State- Ballot Language
Click on image for information!
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PowerPoint- Everything you NEED to Know about Marijuana and thought you Knew- The Truth behind the Smoke. |
One Chance To Grow- Excellent Presentation- Colorado Longitutail Study of Marijuana Use |
Marijuana mega corporations have spent over $75 million trying to pass Amendment 3. Why? It entrenches their monopoly, bans homegrown pot, and gives special licenses to corporations. They wrote it. They rigged it. And they are hoping you fall for it. Amendment 3 isn’t the marijuana amendment, it’s the monopoly amendment.
Florida Conference of Catholic Bishops Statement |
Florida Sherif's Association |
Resources for Coalitions and other non-profits! |