Key findings from the RDCOS March ‘23 issuance on novel and alternative cannabinoids include:
• There is significantly greater Delta-8 consumption in states where cannabis remains illegal than in states with adult-use cannabis markets.
• Past month consumption of Delta-8, Delta-8 THCO, Delta-10, THCP, THCV, CBN, and HHC each are associated with a greater prevalence of driving under the influence of cannabis (DUIC) and the severity of problematic cannabis use.
• Delta-8 consumption by past-year cannabis consumers has increased by 10% since December 2022.
• THCV, a cannabinoid commonly branded as “diet weed,” is the most popular alternative cannabinoid among past-year cannabis consumers.
• A total of 23% of 16–20-year-olds who consumed cannabis in the past year reported consuming Delta-8 at least monthly.