Rx Marijuana | Epiliespy | |
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“I want you to know you were right. You told me marijuana would hurt my brain. It’s ruined my mind and my life, and I’m sorry. I love you.” — Johnny Stack to his mother, 3 days before he died by suicide. Johnny Stack was born on February 7, 2000 and died by suicide on November 20, 2019 at the age of 19. He was an incredibly intelligent, funny, charming, handsome young man, which you can see in his tribute video. We are a normal suburban family and did normal family things. He had a happy life, a 4.0 GPA with a scholarship to college, and a family who loved him very much. Unfortunately, we live in Colorado, which was the first state to legalize recreational marijuana in 2012, when Johnny was 12 years old. By the time Johnny was 14 years old… Great Resouces. |
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Americans Against Legalizing Marijuana AALM is a national all volunteer non-profit organization dedicated to providing the latest information on the harms of marijuana to individuals and to our country. (Letters to elected officials, videos... |
![]() Georgia & National |
National Families in Action is a 501 (c) (3) nonprofit organization that was founded in Atlanta, Georgia in 1977. The organization obtained the nation’s first state laws banning the sale of drug paraphernalia. It led a national effort to help parents replicate Georgia’s laws in other states to prevent the marketing of drugs and drug use to children and helped them form parent groups to protect children’s health. | |
The controversy that surrounds the legalization of marijuana as a medicine or for personal use continues to be a topic for debate at the state and federal levels within our country. Is marijuana really harmful and addictive? Does it help bring relief to those who are sick? What about compassion? It's human nature to want to help others. There are so many questions people must have when they are asked to make medical decisions about the health and well-being of others. It doesn't seem fair for the public to be burdened with decisions that should clearly be made by doctors and scientists. | |
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Fact is that while you’re a teen (and even into your early 20’s!), you’re still growing and developing, and drug abuse during these years in particular can have a lasting impact. Another fact to consider: the brain is much more vulnerable to addiction during these years. 90% of Americans with a substance abuse problem started smoking, drinking or using other drugs before age 18. | |
Citizens Against Legalizing Marijuana (CALM) is an all-volunteer Political Action Committee dedicated to defeating any effort to legalize marijuana. | |
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The Marijuana Report.Org is National Families in Action’s newest website. It aggregates stories about marijuana covered in the print and broadcast media. Stories are briefly summarized on the Home Page. Clicking “Read” at the end of each summary accesses the original article. Story summaries are organized under more than 50 categories. Clicking on any yellow category accesses all summaries published under that category. Pages across the top provide in-depth analyses of key issues (Reports, Commentary) and tools (Fact Sheets, Infographics, Tool Kits) to educate leaders about various aspects of this complex and poorly understood issue. | |
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The challenges kids and families face today are complex and have the potential to devastate lives and derail futures. It is extremely important to work together to protect the kids in our community. The average age a kid will first try drugs is 13. Studies indicate that people who reach 21 without engaging in destructive behaviors are likely to never do so, which is why we passionately educate about current trends, warning signs, and the long-term impact of destructive behaviors. We believe proactive prevention on the part of kids, families, and communities is the answer to long-term success. | |
![]() California |
If you are part of the 91 to 93% who don’t indulge and are tired of paying the price for those who do, you are encouraged to follow us and help fight this battle to save our youth. If we continue to allow them to self-destruct, they have no future … nor do we as a nation. | |
The Washington Traffic Safety Commission (WTSC) is our state’s designated highway safety office. We share a vision with numerous other state and local public agencies. Impaired Driving Reports | |
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A comprehensive looks at the impact of legalization of marijuana in Oregon. | |
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Smart Approaches to Marijuana. We are professionals working in mental health and public health. We are bipartisan. We are medical doctors, lawmakers, treatment providers, preventionists, teachers, law enforcement officers and others who seek a middle road between incarceration and legalization. | |
Oregon |
As communities across the country face the impact of marijuana grow sites in our communities , the time has come to publicly address the direct impact these sites have upon public safety, quality of life, and our property values. | |
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We’re parents who are alarmed that the well-funded campaign to legalize marijuana has sent a deceptive message to the children, without warning of the health consequences. | |
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We SAVE Lives is the leading voice for highway safety, educating and including the public about the 3D's; Drunk, Drugged and Distracted Driving. | |
Education and promoting effective laws to reduce Driving Under the Influence of Drugs (DUID)
The Truth About Drugs Education Package is offered as an aid to educators who teach 11-year-olds and above in a classroom, group instruction or community learning setting. If you do not conduct lessons in class or group learning sessions, click here to find out about the Truth About Drugs online curriculum, or access our downloadable resources. |
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Since 1982, schools across the nation have used the PRIDE Surveys Questionnaire to identify student levels of drug use, violence, and other behaviors. | |
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Many excellent fact sheets and video presentations. | |
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For information on the addiction, the recovery process, Rx facts & statistics, prevention information, coalition information, support groups... | |
Excellent PDF with national statistics. |
The Institiute on Global Drug Policy is an alliance of physicians, scientists, attorneys and drug specialists advocating public policies that curtail the use of illicit and misuse of licit drugs and alcohol. | |
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