Rules on pot remain hazy

Ref: Rules on pot remain hazy
If doctors, dispensaries and patients are confused now just wait until a patient begins to ask their doctor typical questions about ‘medical’ marijuana. Such as:  How often should I take it, for how long, what strength, interactions with other drugs, expected side-effects, driving under the influence, research and validation that it will help specific symptoms, follow-up appointment … and the list goes on.  Most if not all these questions will be impossible to answer from a medical perspective.  Amendment 2 circumvented the science and medical fields.  Many voters seemed to be confused and misled - This was not legalizing a prescription drug but allowing Big Marijuana into our state.  Sounds more like “Pot Luck” than a medication.
In essence, Florida has legalized drug dealers and addicts to recommend marijuana to the 20 million patients who apparently are in dire need of it.  With all the medical breakthroughs does anyone really believe there isn’t something better we could give our loved ones?  That would be the first question I would ask before considering ‘medical’ marijuana.  
As for Monica Russell of Surterra who is “anxiously awaiting” for the implementation of Amendment 2, maybe she needs to take her “own medicine” as I hear it helps with anxiety.
Teresa Miller
Community Substance Abuse Volunteer
StopRxDrugAbuse & No2Pot Founder