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The DEA warns marijuana grow spots are the 'new meth houses' 08/04/2016 |
A June report by the DEA's Denver division warns of potential dangers and annoyances posed by large-scale marijuana growing operations hidden in residential neighborhoods. These operations can be a nuisance to neighbors, prompting complaints about "strong odors, excessive noise from industrial air-conditioning units, blown electrical transformers, and heavy vehicle traffic," according to the DEA. Beyond that, a big indoor marijuana operation requires lots of high-powered lighting, water, and ventilation. People making these modifications in a haphazard or amateurish way risk doing serious damage to their homes. DEA, Electricity, Water, neighborhood, grow sites |
Sacred water What if cannabis industry takes every last drop? 03/15/2016 |
On public record, one application for an indoor grow states they will use over 9,700 gallons a day at full production. The purpose of indoor growing is year-round full production, right? So that’s 3,540,500 gallons per year, or 5.36 Olympic-sized swimming pools. Imagine me putting that pool in my backyard, draining and refilling it every 10 weeks because it makes me a ton of money, keeps a lot of people stoned, and you voted for it. Colorado, Water, conservation |
Marijuana Eradication: Pot growers stealing water 12/11/2015 |
"During this time of drought, San Diegans should be concerned that our water is being stolen for a criminal enterprise." Environment, Water, california |
Study finds medical pot farms draining streams dry 06/01/2014 |
Wildlife biologists noticed streams running dry more often over the 18 years since the state passed Proposition 215... “We knew people were diverting water for marijuana operations, but we wanted to know exactly how much,” said Scott Bauer, the department biologist who studied the pot farms’ effects on four watersheds. “We didn’t know they could consume all the water in a stream.” california, Water, Environment |
Study shows medical marijuana grows drying local watersheds 05/09/2014 |
An aerial view of a medical marijuana grow. Researchers used both satellite and field studies to determine how many grows and plants were in four local watersheds. (Submitted by California Department of Fish and Wildlife Scientist Scott bauer) Environment, Water, california |
24 Mind-Blowing Facts About Marijuana Production in America 04/01/2014 |
"The only thing green about that bud is its chlorophyll." Environment, Growers, Electricity, grow sites, Water, traffic |
tudy: Pot Growers Inhale 1% of U.S. Electricity, Exhale GHGs of 3M Cars 04/11/2011 |
The resulting price tag is about $5 billion in annual electricity costs, said Mills, who conducted and published the research independently from the Berkeley lab. The resulting contribution to greenhouse gas emissions equals about 3 million cars on the road, he said. Water, Electricity, Growers |