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Title | |
Denver 8th Graders Use 350% Higher than National Average 01/23/2015 |
Colorado-0, national, youth |
The Marijuana Report 07/07/2014 |
Research, national, Studies, article |
Trends in Alcohol and Other Drugs Detected in Fatally Injured Drivers in the United States, 1999–2010 01/28/2014 |
Studies, car crashes 2, national, Epidemiology |
Substance Use among 12th Grade Aged Youths by Dropout Status 02/13/2013 |
This is an important public health issue because, in general, adults who do not graduate from high school tend to have lower paying jobs than those who do and thus are at greater risk for living in poverty, lacking health insurance, and suffering from poor health. dropout, national, SAMHSA |