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Interactive effects of PTSD and substance use on suicidal ideation and behavior in military personnel 09/18/2019 |
At high, but not low levels of PTSD symptoms, more days using marijuana predicted increased PTSD symptoms over time and the likelihood of suicidal behavior. PTSD, suicide, Military, Veterans |
Yale Study Shows Danger of Marijuana 06/26/2016 |
“In this observational study,” it found that “initiating marijuana use after treatment was associated with worse PTSD symptoms, more violent behavior, and alcohol use. Marijuana may actually worsen PTSD symptoms or nullify the benefits of specialized, intensive treatment. Cessation or prevention of use may be an important goal of treatment.” Veterans, PTSD, Studies |
Prevalence and correlates of cannabis use in an outpatient VA posttraumatic stress disorder clinic. 05/26/2016 |
Recent research has documented high rates of comorbidity between cannabis use disorders and posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in veterans. PTSD, Veterans |
Colorado rejects medical marijuana for PTSD treatment 07/16/2015 |
“Telling someone to use marijuana for PTSD or any mental health problem is like telling them to go get drunk,” says one specialist who has treated the disorder among veterans and active-duty service members for more than 15 years. PTSD, Colorado |
Colorado rejects medical marijuana for PTSD treatment 07/16/2015 |
Board members cited a lack of research, including medical trials. "We have an absence of scientific information," board member Rick Brown said. PTSD, Colorado |
THC can't help PTSD, say experts 07/13/2015 |
For every military veteran appearing in a Colorado public meeting to advocate for the right to use marijuana to treat post-traumatic stress disorder, mental health professionals throughout Colorado estimate they’ve worked with thousands whose pot use made their PTSD — and their lives in general — much worse. PTSD, Veterans, Military |
Marijuana Use and PTSD among Veterans 06/05/2015 |
Marijuana use for medical conditions is an issue of growing concern. Some Veterans use marijuana to relieve symptoms of PTSD and several states specifically approve the use of medical marijuana for PTSD. However, controlled studies have not been conducted to evaluate the safety or effectiveness of medical marijuana for PTSD. Thus, there is no evidence at this time that marijuana is an effective treatment for PTSD. In fact, research suggests that marijuana can be harmful to individuals with PTSD. Veterans, PTSD, mental health, Studies, Research |
Veterans Equal Access Act- Marijuana 01/28/2015 |
PTSD, Veterans |
Medical Marijuana May Worsen PTSD Symptoms, Increase Violence. Medscape. Dec 15, 2014. 12/16/2014 |
Research, PTSD, Veterans, Studies |