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Suicidality risk after using cannabis and cannabinoids: An umbrella review 02/04/2024 |
suicide |
In conclusion, emerging data on the correlation between cannabis use and suicide risk in patients with schizophrenia or other schizophrenic spectrum disorders are insufficient to draw firm conclusions. Nonetheless these studies seem to suggest a positive correlation of cannabis use with increased suicide risk, particularly regarding first episode psychosis (FEP) and male gender. Clinicians should be aware of the possibility of a higher risk of suicidal behavior associated specifically with cannabis use for men and patients during FEP. suicide, cannabis-induced psychosis |
Cannabis use disorder, suiscide attempts, and self-harm among adolescents: A national inpatient study across the United States 10/21/2023 |
Conclusions: Our study provides evidence for the association between cannabis use disorder (CUD) and suicide risk among hospitalized adolescents and underscores the importance of recognizing and addressing co-occurring mental and substance use disorders along with CUD to mitigate suicide risk. Identifying high-risk adolescents in inpatient settings provides an opportunity for intervention. Delta-8, Cannabis-use disorder, suicide |
Facts About Suicide 01/29/2023 |
Suicide affects all ages. In 2020, suicide was among the top 9 leading causes of death for people ages 10–64. Suicide was the 2nd leading cause of death for people ages 10–14 and 25–34. suicide |
US trends in the association of suicide ideation/behaviors with marijuana 01/05/2023 |
![]() Conclusion: Between 2015 and 2019, suicide ideation/behaviors increased for adolescents that used marijuana. As marijuana is legalized in more states, public health efforts are needed to curb increases in marijuana use among adolescents and to better understand the causal linkages between marijuana use and suicide ideation/behaviors. suicide |
Cannabis use may be associated with suicidality in young adults 06/01/2021 |
An analysis of survey data from more than 280,000 young adults ages 18-35 showed that cannabis (marijuana) use was associated with increased risks of thoughts of suicide (suicidal ideation), suicide plan, and suicide attempt. These associations remained regardless of whether someone was also experiencing depression, and the risks were greater for women than for men. youth, suicide, NIH, study, Research |
Johnnys Ambassadors- Suicide 01/14/2021 |
![]() suicide, Johnnys Ambassadors |
2020 Feb- Marijuana Update Florida 02/24/2020 |
The real cost in legalizing marijuana can be counted by the lives impacted- addiction, vaping, dispensing, traffic deaths, suicides, overdoses, … Colorado, suicide, addiction, Florida, Brain |
Suicide Counts Map by County 11/05/2019 |
suicide, Colorado |
The Rate Of Teen Suicide In Colorado Increased By 58% 10/18/2019 |
In the past three years, teen suicide in Colorado rose from 12.9 to 20.4 deaths per 100,000 adolescents ages 15-19, according to the report. Overall, that rate put Colorado as the sixth worst state. Colorado, suicide, Teens |
Interactive effects of PTSD and substance use on suicidal ideation and behavior in military personnel 09/18/2019 |
At high, but not low levels of PTSD symptoms, more days using marijuana predicted increased PTSD symptoms over time and the likelihood of suicidal behavior. PTSD, suicide, Military, Veterans |
Legalized Cannabis in Colorado Emergency Departments: A Cautionary Review of Negative Health and Safety Effects 07/24/2019 |
ED and urgent care (UC) visits with cannabis-associated International Classification of Diseases (ICD) codes or positive urine drug screens for teenagers and young adults have increased since legalization, and the majority require behavioral health evaluation. A subsequent retrospective review by Wang et al. from 2005–2015 identified 4202 such visits for patients 13 to <21 years old to a tertiary-care children’s hospital system. Behavioral health evaluation was obtained for 2813 (67%) and a psychiatric diagnosis was made for the majority (71%) of the visits. Colorado, ncbi, suicide |
Effects of Marijuana on Mental Health 02/03/2018 |
2. Marijuana classification... CESAR mental health, depression, anxiety, impaired, Psychosis, suicide, Drug Free America |
LETTERS: Marijuana's impact on developing brain; 01/31/2018 |
Over time, the substance most often found in completed teen suicides is marijuana. Most of these suicides have toxicology results available. It is unclear as to why marijuana is most often present. Colorado, Teen, suicide, Finn |
Cannabis use disorder and suicide attempts in Iraq/Afghanistan-era veterans 03/01/2017 |
This study of 3,233 veterans in a cross-sectional, multi-site study by the VA found that cannabis use disorder (CUD) was significantly associated with both current suicidal ideation and lifetime suicide attempts compared to veterans with no lifetime history of CUD. Veterans, suicide, science direct |
Marijuana Intoxication Blamed In More Deaths, Injuries 05/18/2015 |
Daniel Juarez, an 18-year-old from Brighton, died Sept. 26, 2012 after stabbing himself 20 times. In an autopsy report that had never been made public before, but was obtained by CBS4, his THC level — the active ingredient in marijuana — was measured at 38.2 nanograms. In Colorado, anything over 5 nanograms is considered impaired for driving. Death, Intoxication, suicide, Colorado-0 |
Toxicology report released following Keystone marijuana suicide 04/02/2015 |
The toxicology report showed that Goodman had THC in his system, but not at a level considered legally impaired. Edibles are a bit more dangerous just because they do have a longer absorption period and a slower drop than smoking," said Breckenridge Police detective Caitlin Kontak. Colorado, suicide |
Teens who Smoke Cannabis Daily 'Seven Times More Likely to Commit Suicide' 09/12/2014 |
Teenagers who start smoking cannabis daily before the age of 17 are seven times more likely to commit suicide, a study has found. youth, suicide |
Study: Teens who smoke weed daily are 60% less likely to complete high school than those who never use 09/12/2014 |
Teenagers who smoke marijuana daily are over 60 percent less likely to complete high school than those who never use. They're also 60 percent less likely to graduate college and seven times more likely to attempt suicide. youth, dropout, high school, addiction, suicide |
Association of Cannabis Use in Adolescence and Risk of Depression, Anxiety, and Suicidality in Young Adulthood 02/16/2010 |
Conclusions and Relevance Although individual-level risk remains moderate to low and results from this study should be confirmed in future adequately powered prospective studies, the high prevalence of adolescents consuming cannabis generates a large number of young people who could develop depression and suicidality attributable to cannabis. This is an important public health problem and concern, which should be properly addressed by health care policy. anxiety, depression, suicide, study, meta-analysis, Research, 2023 Presentation Dr Berry |
Teen Suicide |