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Truckers’ positive drug tests up 18% in 2022

The latest data from the Drug and Alcohol Clearinghouse reveals that drug use among commercial drivers may be at its highest level since the federal repository was set up in 2019 — but more are being cleared to drive again as well.
Total drug violations reported into the clearinghouse in 2022, including positive tests and refusals to take a drug test, increased 18% to 69,668 compared with last year’s 59,011, according to the most recent statistics released this week by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration. That rate almost doubled the 9.2% annual increase in drug violations reported in 2021.
Much of the increase can be attributed to violations related to marijuana, the substance identified most in positive tests. Marijuana violations increased 31.6% in 2022 compared with 2021, to 40,916. That compares to a 5.3% increase between 2020 and 2021.

Sunday, January 29, 2023 at 7:49 am

I’m a old school trucker been out there 32 plus years there was no room to drive impaired for any reason you’re out there on the road around other people’s families I owned several trucks and when something broke I fixed it safety is number 1 in my book however when elds came about I retired the rules implemented are uncalled for I had enough sense when I was tired I parked and slept don’t need to be told too now truck stops are taking advantage of this rule and charge to park rest area’s are closing across the country state officials are doing nothing to see are fellas have safe places to park now there writing tickets for on ramps off ramps my brother truckers needs someone step up and do something about this situations all the truck stops have removed dining where you can park your feet underneath the table for a decent meal fuel prices are ridiculous repairs and road service sucks this industry is in dire need of restoration rules keep changing and getting to where it’s not fun to be out there anymore


impaired, drugged driving
Drive Baked Get Busted

Florida, impaired, drugged driving
Effects of Marijuana on Mental Health


2. Marijuana classification... CESAR

mental health, depression, anxiety, impaired, Psychosis, suicide, Drug Free America
Long lasting effects of chronic heavy cannabis abuse.

The existence of hallucinations, delusions, and organic brain dysfunction in heavy cannabis users seems to be associated with cannabinoid levels in hair. The continuation of persistent symptoms 3 months after the discontinuation of cannabis abuse, was a remarkable finding. SCIENTIFIC SIGNIFICANCE: We provide evidence that chronic and heavy cannabis abuse results in long-lasting brain dysfunction in all users and in long-lasting schizophrenia-like psychotic symptoms in more than half of all users. These findings suggest a reevaluation of the current classification of cannabis as a "soft narcotic" which erroneously, therefore, is typically considered harmless. (Am J Addict 2017;XX:1-8).

ncbi, chronic, impaired, delusions, Long-term, Studies, Research
Why Is It So Hard To Test Whether Drivers Are Stoned?

The simple fact that THC is fat soluble. That makes it absorbed in a very different way and much more difficult to relate behavior to, say, [blood] levels of THC or develop a breathalyzer."  The height of your intoxication isn't at the moment when blood THC levels peak, and the high doesn't rise and fall uniformly based on how much THC leaves and enters your bodily fluids, says Marilyn Huestis, who headed the chemistry and drug metabolism section at the National Institute on Drug Abuse.

Potency, impaired, drugged driving, DUI
The Futile Search for the “Right” THC per se Level

THC is a large, fat-soluble molecule whose concentration in the blood rapidly drops as it is sequestered into the body’s fat stores, including the brain.  Immediately after smoking a joint, the THC level will be very high in the blood and very low in the brain.  The THC level in the brain climbs rapidly at the same time that as it is declining in the blood.  At some point, the concentrations cross, and the concentration continues to rise in the brain while it is still declining in the blood, since the brain acts like a sponge, soaking up the partially insoluble THC from the blood.  

alcohol, driving, impaired
Keizer mother sentenced to 11 years in prison for son's death

"She said she didn't know where her son was, and then saw him standing in the living room and made the decision to walk to the manager's office for help instead of going in and getting him out," Nelson said.  By the time she returned, Sosa-Martinez could see her son through the flames, it wasn't too late.

Death, fire, impaired
Official: Cannabis use impairs driving as much as alcohol says first of its kind study while drug's legality continues to spread

A National Institute on Drug Abuse study tasked stoned participants with driving a highly sophisticated driving simulator.
Researchers found that after their blood levels of THC reached a certain point, the drivers weaved similarly to a driver with a BAC of .08
The study also found that combining cannabis and alcohol decreased motor skills even more than just one or the other 

car crashes, alcohol, impaired
Study analyzes how much pot impairs drivers

"But what we've found out is that as alcohol-impaired driving is going down, drug-impaired driving is going up." 

  • THC moves more rapidly than alcohol out of the bloodstream and into the body, making it harder to detect accurately with a blood test.

impaired, driving, car crashes, TODAY, Studies
$55,000 cash bond imposed in unborn child's death

 Russell admitted he had smoked marijuana at lunch and again as he drove to pick up his children in Brodhead, the criminal complaint indicates.“All I did was smoke a bowl of marijuana. It's not like I am high,” Russell is quoted as saying in the criminal complaint.“The defendant did not seem to understand that smoking marijuana and driving were illegal,” the complaint states

impaired, Death, Fatalities, car crashes
Driver admitted smoking pot before deadly Hwy. 281 crash
car crashes 2, impaired, TX
Teens choose to drive with high drivers more than drunk drivers
Teens, impaired, car crashes 2
What level of THC in blood causes driving impairment?

Let us provide a rational answer to a nonsensical question. It is a nonsensical question because blood is never impaired by THC. Never. Alcohol doesn’t impair blood either. These drugs only impair the brain, not the blood.

driving, impaired, drug testing
Pot and pills the new choice for intoxicated drivers
car crashes 2, impaired, Fatalities, pills, car crashes
Pot, alcohol found at scene of fatal teen wreck


Teens, Fatalities, car crashes, Florida, impaired, alcohol
Police: Crash leads to discovery of hash oil and marijuana


car crashes, impaired, news article
Grand jury opts not to indict NASCAR's Tony Stewart in fatal incident

20-year-old Ward “was under the influence of marijuana” at the time of the Aug. 9 race at levels “enough to impair judgment.”

Death, impaired
2014- Colorado Impact Study- Driving Impaired Section

Overall, traffic fatalities in Colorado decreased 14.8 percent, from 2007 to 2012. During the same five years in Colorado, traffic fatalities involving operators testing positive for marijuana increased 100 percent.

In 2007, Colorado traffic fatalities involving operators testing positive for marijuana represented 7.04 percent of the total traffic fatalities.  By 2012, that number more than doubled to 16.53 percent.

car crashes 2, impaired, Colorado-0
Marijuana use involved in more fatal accidents in Colorado

They reported that Colorado underwent a significant increase in the proportion of drivers in a fatal motor vehicle crash who were marijuana-positive after the commercialization of medical marijuana in the middle of 2009. The increase in Colorado was significantly greater compared to the 34 non-medical marijuana states from mid-2009 to 2011.

Colorado-0, impaired, car crashes 2, Fatalities
Metro: Marijuana impairment rising among drivers

During the last three years, Metro's forensics lab screened 4,500 blood samples for marijuana with the bulk of those being impaired drivers.
Metro said marijuana is dangerous because it slows down mental reactions and a driver's judgment of time and distance. Statewide records from 2002 to 2012 show 45 percent of drivers who were impaired by drugs had marijuana in their system.

car crashes 2, impaired, Las Vegas
Is Pot Getting More Potent?
Potency, impaired
Don't Go to Pot

Marijuana does possess certain medicinal properties. So does opium. But we don’t allow unscrupulous quacks to write raw opium prescriptions for anyone willing to pay $65. And if we did, would anybody be surprised that the vast majority of opium buyers were not recovering from surgery—and that many of them shared or resold some of their opium to underage users?

Medical, car crashes 2, impaired, IQ
Pot Fuels Surge in Drugged Driving Deaths

Cannabinol, a remnant of marijuana, was found in 12.2 percent of those deceased drivers during 2010, (up from 4.2 percent in 1999). Pot was the most common non-alcoholic drug detected by those toxicology screenings.

car crashes 2, impaired, alcohol, Colorado-0
Marijuana and Drugged Driving

Institute for Behavioral and Health- 
The threat to public safety on the roadways posed by marijuana-impaired driving has been pushed to the top of nation’s agenda by the legalization of marijuana in Colorado and Washington as well as by the legalization of “medical” marijuana in 18 states and the District of Columbia. Marijuana has significant impairing psychological and physiological effects on driving. 

car crashes 2, impaired, IBH, Research, Studies, car crashes
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