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Virginia hemp stakeholders say THC rules in amended bill don’t go far enough 03/25/2023 |
That provision reflects the state government’s position that consumer safety should override all other concerns in establishing laws to guide the hemp sector, sponsoring lawmakers said earlier. A Virginia boy’s death last year was attributed to over-ingestion of delta-8 THC from eating gummies, leading to felony murder and felony child neglect charges against his mother. The death was officially ruled an accident attributable to “delta-8-tetrahydrocannabinol toxicity” by the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner Central District of Virginia, although some cannabis experts have cast doubt on that conclusion. Delta-8, Death, Delta-8 Children |
More than 5.4 million Americans are medical cannabis patients. In Florida alone, there are 788,297 medical cannabis cardholders as of Jan. 27 – a 1,107.01 percent increase since 2018. BY GISELE GALOUSTIAN | 2/9/2023
In the United States, 49.6 million Americans ages 12 and older used cannabis or marijuana in 2020. More than 5.4 million Americans are medical cannabis patients. In Florida alone, where medical cannabis has been legal since 2014, there has been a 1,107.01 percent increase in the number of people with medical cannabis cards, from about 65,310 cardholders in 2018 to 788,297 as of Jan. 27.
Nearly 99 percent of individuals using cannabis and synthetic cannabis died from accidents. Most of these accidents were due to drug intoxications (83.93 percent) and motor vehicular crashes or collisions (14.17 percent) that caused blunt traumas to the head and torso. More motor vehicular accidents were observed in cannabis use as a cause of death rather than synthetic cannabis use. Four individuals died from drowning under the influence of cannabis. Delta-8, synthetics, fatal, Death |
Lung Injury Associated with E-Cigarette Use, or Vaping* - Florida 10/11/2019 |
Link continues to update with information. Latest from the Florida Department of Health on the Vape Lung Illness Crisis. The number of vape lung illnesses increased from 27 to 39. When will Governor DeSantis announce his plan to fight against this crisis? According to the CDC, most cases are linked to vaped marijuana (THC). What is the FL medical marijuana industry doing to protect patients? Vaping, Florida, Death |
Are there mortality risks for patients with epilepsy who use cannabis treatments as monotherapy? 02/05/2019 |
Two cases of sudden death are reported in patients whose self-determined seizure management primarily relied on artisanal cannabis therapies. Risks of morbidity, mortality and SUDEP in SDTC users need to be further studied. Providers should be aware of the absence of morbidity and mortality data for SDTC in patients with epilepsy may only be due to a failure of reporting. epilepsy, science direct, Death |
2017 Annual Report- Florida Medical Examiner 11/01/2018 |
The seven most frequently occurring drugs found in decedents were ethyl alcohol (5,258), benzodiazepines (5,064, including 1,889 alprazolam occurrences), cocaine (3,129), cannabinoids (2,367), fentanyl (2,088), morphine (1,992), and fentanyl analogs (1,685). Since heroin is rapidly metabolized to morphine, this may lead to a substantial over-reporting of morphine-related deaths as well as significant under-reporting of heroin-related deaths. fatal, Florida, Death |
2017 Drugs Identified in Deceaded person by Florida Medical Examiner 02/20/2018 |
The five most frequently occurring drugs found in decedents were ethyl alcohol (5,318), benzodiazepines (5,167, including 1,851 alprazolam occurrences), cocaine (2,882), cannabinoids (2,292), and morphine (2,040). Death, medical examiner, Report |
Contaminated medical marijuana believed to have killed cancer patient 02/07/2017 |
After his death, testing of 20 medical marijuana samples from across the state found the vast majority were contaminated with dangerous bacteria and fungi. contaminated, Death, cancer |
Police: Virginia Teen Killed 14-Year-Old Who 'Told on Him 06/06/2016 |
A 17-year-old boy beat a 14-year-old to death in Virginia last month after he asked the younger teen to smoke marijuana with him and the younger boy told an adult, law enforcement sources told News4. Death, Teen |
Death of Muslim teen was an accident, not a hate crime, police investigation finds 05/10/2016 |
Warsame told his schoolmate he had never smoked marijuana and would like to try it, and the two smoked together, according to the report. A toxicology screen by the medical examiner found “relatively high levels” of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the main psychoactive constituent in marijuana, in Warsame’s system. youth, Death, Washington |
Heavy teen marijuana use may cut life short by 60 04/29/2016 |
Swedish researchers analyzed the records of more than 45,000 men beginning in 1969 and 1970. The scientists from the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm reported that 4,000 died during the 42-year follow-up period, and men who'd used marijuana heavily at ages 18 and 19 were 40 percent more likely to die by age 60 compared to guys who hadn't used the drug. Teens, usage, Death |
Woman killed in pot-linked Gresham crash aided dialysis patients, hungry seniors 10/12/2015 |
Kembel's is the highest-profile death associated with cannabis since it became legal for adults to purchase recreational marijuana in Oregon last week. Police said Tuesday it was unclear to what extent marijuana impairment had been a factor in the crash. Oregon, Gresham, Death |
Pot death: Teen leaps 4 stories after eating marijuana cookie 07/26/2015 |
Over the next few hours, the man showed erratic speech and hostile behaviors, the report said. About 2.5 hours after he ate the whole cookie, he jumped off a balcony on the fourth floor of his building, and died from trauma from the fall, the report said. youth, edibles, Death |
Keizer mother sentenced to 11 years in prison for son's death 07/24/2015 |
"She said she didn't know where her son was, and then saw him standing in the living room and made the decision to walk to the manager's office for help instead of going in and getting him out," Nelson said. By the time she returned, Sosa-Martinez could see her son through the flames, it wasn't too late. Death, fire, impaired |
Notes from the Field: Death Following Ingestion of an Edible Marijuana Product — Colorado, March 2014 07/24/2015 |
Death, edibles, Colorado, CDC |
An Increasing Number of Young Children Are Being Exposed to Marijuana, Study Shows 06/09/2015 |
The study, conducted by researchers at Nationwide Children’s Hospital and published in the journal Clinical Pediatrics, showed a 147.5% increase in marijuana exposure among children younger than 6 years old between 2006 and 2013. That rate spiked by 610% over the same period in states where marijuana was legalized for medicinal purposes before 2000. Children, exposure, Death, Studies |
Marijuana Intoxication Blamed In More Deaths, Injuries 05/20/2015 |
Another death in Colorado has been listed as having “marijuana intoxication” as a factor, according to a CBS4 investigation, and several other families are now saying they believed the deaths of their loved ones can be traced to recreational marijuana use. Death, denver |
Marijuana Intoxication Blamed In More Deaths, Injuries 05/18/2015 |
Daniel Juarez, an 18-year-old from Brighton, died Sept. 26, 2012 after stabbing himself 20 times. In an autopsy report that had never been made public before, but was obtained by CBS4, his THC level — the active ingredient in marijuana — was measured at 38.2 nanograms. In Colorado, anything over 5 nanograms is considered impaired for driving. Death, Intoxication, suicide, Colorado-0 |
$55,000 cash bond imposed in unborn child's death 05/08/2015 |
Russell admitted he had smoked marijuana at lunch and again as he drove to pick up his children in Brodhead, the criminal complaint indicates.“All I did was smoke a bowl of marijuana. It's not like I am high,” Russell is quoted as saying in the criminal complaint.“The defendant did not seem to understand that smoking marijuana and driving were illegal,” the complaint states impaired, Death, Fatalities, car crashes |
Marijuana wax: A clear and present danger 04/05/2015 |
Smoking or ingesting the wax can be deadly. Two teens overdosed in Duluth after using the drug. hash oil, Minnesota, fire, Death, overdose |
Autopsy: Ulele server accidentally drowned in Mango Lake 04/04/2015 |
The autopsy showed Foster had a .098 milligrams-per-liter level of THC, or tetrahydrocannabinol, the intoxicating ingredient of marijuana. Pearson said that is a significant level.
Death, car crashes 2, alcohol, Florida, tampa |
Man fatally shoots himself after eating 5 marijuana candies 03/30/2015 |
Colorado-0, Death, edibles |
Marijuana Edibles Blamed For Keystone Death 03/25/2015 |
Colorado-0, Death, edibles |
Boulder skier dies after suspected collision with tree at Eldora Mountain Resort 12/09/2014 |
Death, Colorado-0, Colorado |
Epilepsy Studies 10/14/2014 |
epilepsy, Charlotte's Web, Death |
Grand jury opts not to indict NASCAR's Tony Stewart in fatal incident 09/24/2014 |
20-year-old Ward “was under the influence of marijuana” at the time of the Aug. 9 race at levels “enough to impair judgment.” Death, impaired |
Pandora’s ganja box 08/21/2014 |
OpEd, Death |
August 2014- Legalization of MJ Impact Colorado 08/13/2014 |
Colorado-0, youth, car crashes 2, Death, exposure, alcohol |
Colorado lawsuit alleges cannabis overdose from fairground candy 08/08/2014 |
Colorado-0, candy, Death, overdose |
Marijuana Linked to the Death of Two Young Men in Germany 08/06/2014 |
Death, heart |
A Kansas foster father was high on marijuana when he left a 10-month-old girl in a hot car, where she died, prosecutors said Friday. 08/04/2014 |
Death, baby |
Deputies: Adults smoking pot while pit bulls kill 4-year-old boy 07/30/2014 |
Death, neglect |
Six Ways Science Says Marijuana May Hurt Your Health 06/29/2014 |
addiction, heart, car crashes 2, Impairment, Death, Brain |
Winter Haven man arrested for throwing crying baby 06/06/2014 |
“This is just another example of marijuana abuse linked to child abuse,” says Polk County Sheriff Grady Judd. Death, abuse |
Deadly Impact of Medical Marijuana in Colorado 05/28/2014 |
video, statistics, crime, Colorado, Death |
Palm Bay man charged in pedestrian death 05/16/2014 |
A blood sample was taken from Asker after a police investigator detected marijuana impairment. Impairment, Death, DUI, pedestrians, Fatalities, car crashes |
Colo. lawmakers get blunt, move to tighten marijuana rules after two deaths 05/06/2014 |
State legislators said they were concerned by testimony from Children’s Hospital Dr. Michael DiStefano, who said that seven children had been treated since January for symptoms related to marijuana intake. Between 2005 and 2013, that number was six. Children, Death |
Marijuana, crash played role in missing teen’s death 04/24/2014 |
Teens, Death |
Potential for heart attack, stroke risk seen with marijuana use 04/23/2014 |
heart, Death, Studies, risks |
Denver coroner: Man fell to death after eating marijuana cookies 04/04/2014 |
The coroner also listed "marijuana intoxication" from cannabis-infused cookies as a significant condition contributing to the death. Colorado-0, Teen, Death |
Smoking cannabis CAN kill you: German researchers identify two men who died purely as a result of using the drug 02/27/2014 |
They discovered that the deaths of two of the patients could not be put down to anything other than marijuana use. Both of these people were men who had died after their hearts started beating either too fast or too slowly. The researchers believe that this change in heart rhythm – called arrhythmia - was caused by cannabis. The reason they came to this conclusion was that both had smoked the drug within a few hours of their death and neither had any history of heart problems. overdose, Studies, Death |
First-woman-in-Britain-to-die-from-cannabis-poisoning 01/30/2014 |
Death, overdose |
The Converstaion We aren't Having 01/21/2014 |
Death, addiction, legalization |
Israeli pharmacists: Cannabis can cause side-effects, even death 01/15/2014 |
The effects of cannabis, the report continues, can be euphoria or dysphoria, calm, anxiety or even psychosis. Additional phenomena include heightened wakefulness followed by drowsiness, a sharpening of the senses followed by slower comprehension, and increased motor activity followed by problems of coordination. “Many of these side effects of cannabis stems from a high dosage or chronic use,” writes the pharmacists' association. Death, Isreal, Pharmacists, Effects, Side-Effects |