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Washington Poison Center

he Washington Poison and Drug Information Center is reporting a record number of marijuana exposures in Washington State since before recreational marijuana was legalized in 2012. The majority of calls occurred within the 13 – 19 year age range followed quickly by the 20 – 29 years of age group. The majority of exposures were a result of intentional abuse (n= 108) in ages 13 years and older followed by unintentional, unsupervised ingestion (n=36), predominantly in children less than 12 years of age. Marijuana products implicated in these exposures included but were not limited to marijuana chocolate bars, brownies, butane hash oil, marijuana-infused drinks, and marijuana gummy bears.

Washington, edibles, exposure
Arizona should improve education rather than making it worse by legalizing marijuana

With considerable discussion about Arizona’s education funding, along with high school and college graduation rates, shouldn’t we do all we can to improve our state of education instead of making it much worse by legalizing marijuana?
The Journal Clinical Pediatrics has also found an over 600 percent increase in the amount of marijuana exposure to children six and under in states with marijuana-friendly legislation.

Arizona, education, exposure
Researchers track pot 'use'--of kids under 6

Researchers found that more kids are being exposed to marijuana—by the age of 5, they report in Clinical Pediatrics. Between 2006 and 2013, the marijuana exposure rate rose 147.5 percent among kids 5 and under, according to a press release—and it rose nearly 610 percent during that period in states that legalized medical marijuana before the year 2000 (by our count, five).

Children, exposure, Medical
An Increasing Number of Young Children Are Being Exposed to Marijuana, Study Shows

The study, conducted by researchers at Nationwide Children’s Hospital and published in the journal Clinical Pediatrics, showed a 147.5% increase in marijuana exposure among children younger than 6 years old between 2006 and 2013. That rate spiked by 610% over the same period in states where marijuana was legalized for medicinal purposes before 2000.

Children, exposure, Death, Studies
August 2014- Legalization of MJ Impact Colorado
Colorado-0, youth, car crashes 2, Death, exposure, alcohol
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