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Title | |
What Scientific & Medical Journals & Experts Say About Marijuana 08/31/2016 |
30 Referenced Resources Arizona, Research |
Arizona court to rule on medical marijuana immunity issue 05/08/2016 |
PHOENIX - The Arizona Supreme Court says immunity provided doctors under the state's medical marijuana law for certifying patients to use pot only applies to the medical certifications, not other conduct such as making false statements in documents. lawsuit, Medical, Doctors, Arizona |
Report: Arizona families abuse marijuana more than any other substance 11/28/2015 |
Arizona Families F.I.R.S.T., a statewide recovery program, found that 84 percent of program participants in 2014 struggled with substance abuse, 54 percent of which said they used marijuana Arizona, abuse, addiction |
Arizona should improve education rather than making it worse by legalizing marijuana 10/28/2015 |
With considerable discussion about Arizona’s education funding, along with high school and college graduation rates, shouldn’t we do all we can to improve our state of education instead of making it much worse by legalizing marijuana? Arizona, education, exposure |
Poison control: Watch for altered treats, edible marijuana 10/16/2015 |
edibles, Arizona |
Arizonans For Responsible Drug Policy 08/02/2015 |
Arizona, Drug Policy |
Facts for Parents 08/02/2015 |
Parent, Arizona |
Ryan Messano: Don’t be naïve on marijuana 05/18/2015 |
There are a lot of greedy selfish people who are willing to do and say anything to get money. What good is it if your pain is gone and so is your ability to think straight? We exist as humans because we think, not we exist because we don’t have pain. political, Arizona, OpEd |
Prosecutors urge others to oppose marijuana 10/30/2014 |
Arizona, youth, usage |