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15 Things the Cannabis Industry Doesn't Want You to Know

1. Today's marijuana is not just a plant - it is genetically modified, potent and contains toxins

2. Marijuana can have contaminants and toxins.

3. The drug industry targets youth

4. Marijuana stunts brain growth 

5. Marijuana is Addictive

6. Marijuana is a risk factor for psychosis and schizophrenia....

Delta-8, Side-Effects, addiction
he prospective association between the use of E-cigarettes and other psychoactive substances in young people

Pooling of data from the identified longitudinal studies showed that ever e-cigarette users have an increased likelihood for subsequent cannabis, alcohol, and unprescribed Ritalin/Adderall use compared to never e-cigarette users. The findings indicate a need for interventions to reduce e-cigarette use in adolescents and young adults.

Psychosis, Psychoactive, addiction
2020 Feb- Marijuana Update Florida

The real cost in legalizing marijuana can be counted by the lives impacted- addiction, vaping, dispensing, traffic deaths, suicides, overdoses, … 

Colorado, suicide, addiction, Florida, Brain
What to know about marijuana withdrawal

Experts define addiction as continued marijuana use despite negative consequences in a person's life, such as issues relating to their family, job, or relationships.
People who use marijuana regularly and then stop abruptly can experience some withdrawal symptoms.

withdrawal, addiction, medicine news today
Pathway to Heroin

heroin, addiction, study
Marijuana and Public Health CDC

Some people think that marijuana is not truly “addictive” or that people can’t become “hooked” on the drug, but research shows that about 1 in 10 marijuana users will become addicted. For people who begin using before the age of 18, that number rises to 1 in 6.
Marijuana use directly affects the brain — specifically the parts of the brain responsible for memory, learning, attention, decision making, coordination, emotions, and reaction time.

CDC, 2017 Legislation, addiction
Facing Addiction in America
addiction, epidemic, surgeon General
Marijuana use rising across all age groups, survey finds

In Ontario, for instance, a survey released Wednesday by the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH) found that past-year cannabis use virtually doubled between 1996 and 2015, rising from about eight per cent to almost 15 per cent of respondents.
Significant increases were found among all age groups, but especially among 18- to 29-year-olds, with the proportion of pot smokers jumping from about 18 per cent in 1996 to 38 per cent in 2015

Canada, usage, addiction
78 People Die a Day From Opioid Overdose, Surgeon General Says in Landmark Report

n 2015, the report notes, substance-abuse disorders affected 20.8 million people in the United States — as many as those with diabetes and 1.5 times as many as those with cancer. Yet, Murthy said, only one in 10 people receives treatment.
“We would never tolerate a situation where only one in 10 people with cancer or diabetes gets treatment, and yet we do that with substance-abuse disorders,” he said.

surgeon General, addiction, epidemic
Marijuana Legalization Has Led To More Use And Addiction While Illegal Market Continues To Thrive

The illegal marijuana market thrives in competition with the legal market by offering products at considerably lower prices because it neither complies with regulations on growth and sale, nor pays taxes on sales or their profits. It is particularly disturbing that the public is unaware of the fact that of all Americans with substance use disorders due to drugs other than alcohol, nearly 60 percent are due to marijuana. That means that more Americans are addicted to marijuana than any other drug, including heroin, cocaine, methamphetamine, and the nonmedical use of prescription drugs.

legalization, addiction, illegal
Addiction- Infographics
addiction, Infographics
Study Links Marijuana Use to Greater Risk for Developing Addiction to Other Drugs

A new study suggests marijuana smokers may be significantly more likely to develop an addiction to other drugs and alcohol than people who don’t use marijuana.
The study, published in JAMA Psychiatry, included almost 35,000 adults who were interviewed three years apart. At the time of the first interview, almost 1,300 used marijuana. After three years, two-thirds of people who used marijuana had some form of substance use disorder, compared with less than 20 percent of people who did not use marijuana in the previous year.

addiction, youth, Studies
Persistent Cannabis Dependence and Alcohol Dependence Represent Risks for Midlife Economic and Social Problems: A Longitudinal Cohort Study

Our data indicate that persistent cannabis users constitute a burden on families, communities, and national social-welfare systems. Moreover, heavy cannabis use and dependence was not associated with fewer harmful economic and social problems than was alcohol dependence. Our study underscores the need for prevention and early treatment of individuals dependent on cannabis. 

alcohol, addiction, Studies
Report: Arizona families abuse marijuana more than any other substance

Arizona Families F.I.R.S.T., a statewide recovery program, found that 84 percent of program participants in 2014 struggled with substance abuse, 54 percent of which said they used marijuana

Arizona, abuse, addiction
ASAM Public Policy Statement on Marijuana, Cannabinoids and Legalization
  • Prenatal exposure to marijuana has been shown to be predictive of psychotic symptoms in young adulthood.
  • Monitoring the Future survey reported a five-year decline in the perceived harm of regularly smoking marijuana, from 52.4% of high school seniors to 36.1%
  • Marijuana is the most widely used illegal drug in the United States and it is estimated that it is used by 61% of all persons suffering from a substance use disorder related to drugs other than alcohol.
  • The risk of developing addiction associated with cannabis use has been reported to increase to about 17% among those who start using marijuana in adolescence, and to 25-50% among those who smoke marijuana daily.
  • Smoke from marijuana combustion has been shown to contain a number of carcinogens and cocarcinogens, as well as many of the toxins, irritants, and carcinogens as tobacco smoke. 
  • Marijuana-infused edibles account for 45% of the legal marijuana marketplace.
  • AMA Marijuana has a high potential for abuse. It has no scientifically proven, currently accepted medical use for preventing or treating any disease process in the United States.


Number Using Opioids and Marijuana on the Rise

Chart: Colorado among states with growing heroin, prescription drug abuse problem 

Consistent with the past, in 2014 still only 47 percent of operators involved in traffic deaths were tested for drug impairment.


Pregnancy, addiction, cigarettes, edibles, Research, Studies
Medicinal and Recreational Marijuana: What are the Risks?

Brain abnormalities and memory problems were observed in these individuals in their early twenties, two years after they had stopped using marijuana. The cannabis users were noted to have striatal, globus pallidus, and thalamus changes showing these brain regions appearing to shrink and collapse inward. These individuals also had poorer working memory. The earlier the age of cannabis use, the more dramatic the brain changes and memory deficits were noted to be.
Not only does it appear that cannabis use itself is a potential precursor to future drug use, but the age of first use of cannabis and the frequency of cannabis use seem to also be predictors of future substance abuse issues. Studies have shown that over two-thirds of those under the age of 18 who have been admitted to a drug treatment program identify cannabis as their substance of choice.
” One important characteristic that defines a substance use disorder is “an underlying change in brain circuits that may persist beyond detoxification, particularly in individuals with severe disorder"

Teens, Research, Studies, Brain, addiction, anxiety, depression, Resource Paper
Six Ways Science Says Marijuana May Hurt Your Health
Danger, science, car crashes 2, Brain, addiction, heart, car crashes
Clearing the Haze

The Gazette kicks off a four-day perspective series, "Clearing the Haze," that examines health, social, regulatory and financial issues associated with the world's boldest experiment with legal marijuana. 
The ugly truth is that Colorado was suckered. It was promised regulation and has been met by an industry that fights tooth and nail any restrictions that limit its profitability. 

Research, regulation, crime, addiction, Colorado
“Pot used to be pretty harmless, but it’s plenty dangerous today”

Increased availability and decreased perception of harm drive youth use and lowers the age of initiation to drug use — the goal of an industry working to capture lifetime customers, despite known consequences for physical and mental health.  Youth exposures double the risk of addiction.

blog, Doctors, mental health, addiction
Fox News doctor: ‘Crack babies’ come from women ‘smoking this whole marijuana business’
Pregnancy, baby, youth, addiction, news video clip, news article
Commentary from Florida’s Representative to the National D.A.R.E. Youth Advisory Board
youth, addiction
Dr. Drew on marijuana: “It acts like an opiate and causes severe addiction”
addiction, youth, Dr. Drew
Study: Teens who smoke weed daily are 60% less likely to complete high school than those who never use

Teenagers who smoke marijuana daily are over 60 percent less likely to complete high school than those who never use. They're also 60 percent less likely to graduate college and seven times more likely to attempt suicide.

youth, dropout, high school, addiction, suicide
MGH findings on pot addiction complicate legalization debate
Studies, addiction, legalization
Legal pot blamed for some of influx of homeless in Denver this summer
addiction, Colorado-0
New York Times Calls for Legalization of Marijuana, ASAM Strongly Objects

 Stuart Gitlow, MD, president of ASAM and a board-certified addiction medicine specialist, called the paper’s stance “irresponsible” and “ignorant of the facts” that clearly place marijuana on the continuum of psychoactive drugs that trigger addiction and lifelong chronic brain disease.

Doctors, Medical, vote no, addiction
Voters in two states to consider legalizing recreational pot in 2014
youth, addiction
NIDA review summarizes research on marijuana’s negative health effects
addiction, youth, Effects
Clearing the air around marijuana use
addiction, faith-based, Side-Effects
This July 4th party has “lots of free bud” and a marijuana-filled piñata

“I can share my personal weed with somebody, no problem,” said Taijeron. “But we can’t sell it or exchange money for marijuana.”

Business, addiction
Six Ways Science Says Marijuana May Hurt Your Health
addiction, heart, car crashes 2, Impairment, Death, Brain
NIDA review summarizes research on marijuana’s negative health effects

The reviewers consider areas in which little research has been conducted. This includes possible health consequences of secondhand marijuana smoke; the long-term impact of prenatal marijuana exposure; the therapeutic potential of the individual chemicals found in the marijuana plant; and effects of marijuana legalization policies on public health.

Research, Studies, addiction, second hand smoke, chemicals
Mike Milburn: Be wary of marijuana legalization

In spite of the widespread effort to normalize marijuana, Montana knows firsthand the societal problems it can cause.
By 2011, Montana had the sixth-highest rate of youth marijuana use in the country and the fourth-highest rate of youth addiction.
I heard of growers destroying neighborhoods, reducing the values of homes through the foul language, harassment and stench of crowds at the dispensaries. Parents complained that kids could not play in their own yards. Multiple dispensaries set up near schools, targeting our youth.

legalization, Montana, addiction
Base Amendment 2 vote on fact, not emotion
addiction, Doctors, amendment
5 Ways to Accurately Cover Marijuana Policy Issues in the Media

At least two deaths have already been attributed to legal marijuana cookies in Colorado, and poison control centers continue to report increasing calls related to the drug.

Media, legalization, addiction
Heavy, Frequent Cannabis Use Linked to Mental Illness

A new study suggests people with mental illness are more than seven times as likely to use marijuana weekly than people without a mental illness.

In total, 4.4 percent of individuals with a mental illness in the past 12 months reported using cannabis weekly, compared to 0.6 percent among individuals without any mental illness.

Cannabis use disorders occurred among 4 percent of those with mental illness versus 0.4 per cent among those without.

Researchers also noted that, although cannabis use is generally higher among younger people, the association between mental illness and cannabis use was pervasive across most age groups.

Research, addiction, mental health, usage
Smoke and Mirrors Cloud Medical Marijuana Debate

It's time now to change the flawed medical marijuana system by insisting that standard medical procedures be followed in the dispensing of the drug. Let's save our children from the dangers of "marijuana doctors" before all concerns for safety go up in smoke.

addiction, debate, Teens, abnormal, Medical
Marijuana Is Less Addictive Than Chocolate?????

Kevin A. Sabet, the director of the Drug Policy Institute at the University of Florida and a former senior advisor for President Barack Obama's Office of National Drug Control Policy, also takes issue with this sweeping claim.   "Show me that data," Sabet said in reaction to hearing this. "Also, chocolate doesn't cause car crashes or IQ loss or mental illness."

Calvina Fay, executive director of Drug Free America, a nonprofit that educates the public about the dangers of drug abuse, responded, "Unlike marijuana, I am not aware of anyone in treatment for chocolate addiction and it certainly is not a substance that sends people to the hospital or impairs one's ability to work or operate a vehicle or machinery."

addiction, chocolate
Marijuana Is Less Addictive Than Chocolate?????

Kevin A. Sabet, the director of the Drug Policy Institute at the University of Florida and a former senior advisor for President Barack Obama's Office of National Drug Control Policy, also takes issue with this sweeping claim.   "Show me that data," Sabet said in reaction to hearing this. "Also, chocolate doesn't cause car crashes or IQ loss or mental illness."

Calvina Fay, executive director of Drug Free America, a nonprofit that educates the public about the dangers of drug abuse, responded, "Unlike marijuana, I am not aware of anyone in treatment for chocolate addiction and it certainly is not a substance that sends people to the hospital or impairs one's ability to work or operate a vehicle or machinery."

addiction, chocolate
Use of Alcohol, Cigarettes, and Marijuana Before Age 16 Associated with Higher Rates of Substance Use Dependence

Furthermore, early users of all three substances were more than twice as likely to meet the criteria for marijuana dependence (21% vs. 8%).

alcohol, addiction
Vermont faces opiate drug abuse crisis
addiction, Rx Drugs
The Converstaion We aren't Having
  • Florida should not legalize marijuana because it is a gateway drug that is addictive and damaging to the teenage brain. Moreover, without FDA regulation there is no way to monitor the drug’s potency.
  • He then fell into the habit of taking pills in order to maintain the buzz he got from pot.
  • It is out of love for our children, for those like my son, that we must say no (to legalizing marijuana).

Death, addiction, legalization
Cannabis Use during Adolescent Development: Susceptibility to Psychiatric Illness
adolescent, Psychiatric, addiction, Schizophrenia, opioid, Studies
Marijuana: Current Concepts
abuse, addiction
PolitiFact- John Morgan says 'nobody's addicted' to marijuana

Orlando attorney John Morgan said that "nobody’s addicted to" marijuana. Morgan quickly admitted that he was wrong, and experts agreed.

addiction, Morgan
If You Thought Marijuana was Harmless, Medical Researchers Have News for You

As expected, prescription cannabinoids are effective antiemetics and appetite stimulants, and some studies report their effectiveness as adjunct therapy in chronic pain syndromes, spasticity, and glaucoma. Similar results are reported by the few studies of smoked cannabis plant for these same indications. As noted earlier, safe and effective alternative treatments for all these syndromes are available.  Studies assessing psychological aspects of smoked cannabis and prescription cannabinoids uniformly report undesired effects: acute psychosis, poorer prognosis of chronic psychosis, or cognitive dulling in medical patients. 

health, addiction, pills, youth, Research, social costs
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