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2017 SB 8-A Medical Marijuana Bill in Florida 06/28/2017 |
Florida, 2017 Legislation |
2017 County Commision Recommendations 05/18/2017 |
We want to prevent what happened with Big Pharma from happening with Big Marijuana in Florida. We want to avoid the pill mill scenario we experienced several years ago. Given the number of people dying in our state from opioid abuse be it heroin or prescription drugs we do not want to add fuel to this fire by inadequately regulating ‘medical’ marijuana dispensary zoning, licensing and locations. 2017 Legislation, Testimony, County commissioner, Tampa City Council |
Do Floridians want hard-liquor in our grocery stores and gas stations? 05/10/2017 |
PLEASE NOTE those states allow hard liquor in grocery stores have very strict and enforced DUI laws. Floridians do not want or need HB-81. HB-81 takes away the added security system that separate stores provide with camera systems and ability to card everyone who enters their store AND hard-liquor will be available 24/7. HB-81, 2017 Legislation |
Tampa-Zoning 05/03/2017 |
My property value will decrease if a pot dispensary locates next door or in close proximately. I already have camera and locked gate on my commercial property but believe I will need at least two full-time security guards. This product is cash only sales. I am concerned about the new cliental wandering through our neighborhoods. As a small business owner, the increase security and insurance costs are going to greatly impact our profit and discourage us from expanding. 2017 Legislation, Tampa City Council |
Say no to booze in groceries 04/14/2017 |
![]() Ask any Florida legislator if their phone has been ringing off the hook from constituents who can't get enough vodka or rum, and they would have to say "no." Then why are they pushing hard liquor into our grocery stores without public input or backing? HB-81, alcohol, 2017 Legislation, miller |
Amendment 2 Recommendations 04/02/2017 |
Medical Marijuana is a very political, emotional and complex topic. Now that amendment 2 has passed implementing it as a medication seems to be even more contentious. I am sure we can all agree the goal, as with any medication, is to provide guidelines to make it as safe and beneficial as possible while at the same time preventing abuse or misuse. Attempting to regulate prescription medications has proven to be very difficult and the lack of strict guidelines led to over prescribing, wide-spread misuse, addiction and overdose problems that devastated families and communities throughout our nation. 2017 Legislation |
HB 81 CB 106 - Hard Liquor in our Grocery Stores 03/02/2017 |
![]() Please review the following information to better understand how alcohol misuse impacts our families:
Cost of Alcohol Abuse:
2. Teen Theft
Doubly illegal: Qualitative accounts of underage alcohol access through theft
3. Florida Ranks 3rd in the Nation for DUI Fatalities
2017 Legislation, HB-81 |
2017 2 15 Amendment 2 Implementation 02/14/2017 |
2017 Legislation |
2017 CDC Summary 02/01/2017 |
CDC, 2017 Legislation |
Marijuana and Pregnancy 02/01/2017 |
Marijuana use during pregnancy can be harmful to your baby’s health. The chemicals in marijuana (in particular,tetrahydrocannabinol or THC) pass through your systemto your baby and can negatively affect your baby’s development. Pregnancy, 2017 Legislation, CDC |
Marijuana and Public Health CDC 01/15/2017 |
Some people think that marijuana is not truly “addictive” or that people can’t become “hooked” on the drug, but research shows that about 1 in 10 marijuana users will become addicted. For people who begin using before the age of 18, that number rises to 1 in 6. CDC, 2017 Legislation, addiction |
Parent should know and understand 01/15/2017 |
CDC, Teens, parents, 2017 Legislation |
Marijuana and Driving 01/15/2017 |
2017 Legislation, driving, CDC |
The Clinical Conundrum of Medical Marijuana 01/06/2017 |
Detailed Information
Potency, Studies, driving, Finn, MD, 2017 Legislation |
Who is really using marijuana under the guise of a medicine? 11/15/2016 |
2017 Legislation |
Complexities in understanding and addressing the serious public health issues related to the nonmedical use of prescription drugs 09/01/2016 |
A common theme among every article in this issue is the overlap be- tween NMUPD, excessive drinking, and marijuana and other forms of substance use. In every investigation, nonmedical users were observed to have a history of using alcohol, marijuana, tobacco, and other psycho- active substances. Kalyanam, Katsuki, Lanckriet, and Mackey (2017) Studies, Research, Prescription, epidemic, 2017 Legislation |
Cannabinoids for Medical Use A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis 06/20/2015 |
A systematic review of the benefits and adverse events (AEs) meta-analysis, Research, 2017 Legislation |
Ed Wood- FL per se law 02/01/2015 |
Based upon the foregoing evidence, this author has a clear preference for zero tolerance laws to deal with the increasing scourge of DUID. The increasingly accepted Libertarian view is that such laws criminalize personal choices that cause no harm to citizens other than the drug consumer. Laws requiring probable cause be first established before requiring a blood sample theoretically alleviate this concern, but are unconvincing to opponents of zero-tolerance laws. Adoption of New Zealand’s approach is suggested as a means of gaining acceptance of zero tolerance laws without unduly harming Libertarian sensitivities. Wood, Potency, 2017 Legislation, THC levels, THC |
Futile Search 02/01/2015 |
The fact is that there is no level of THC in blood above which everyone is impaired, and below which no one is impaired. This is not because we need more studies; it’s because of human biology. Consider the following three factors. Wood, Potency, 2017 Legislation, THC levels, THC |
Public Health Policy- Hookah 03/06/2013 |
2013 University of Maryland summary of Hookah legislation by state. Public Health, Hookah, policy, 2017 Legislation |