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Dazed & Confused... and... Psychotic?

The paper exposes the marijuana industry’s "dirty little secret": high-potency THC products can trigger psychosis, particularly in youth. Despite mounting evidence, the industry perpetuates a campaign of confusion to discredit studies linking THC to mental illnesses such as schizophrenia-like psychosis and delusional thinking.

THC, Potency, hemp
Adolescent brains exposed to THC are at higher risk of psychiatric disorders

THC exposure during adolescence may cause microglial cell death and brain changes, increasing schizophrenia risks in genetically susceptible individuals.
Earlier, a 2023 study found heavy marijuana use may trigger schizophrenia, particularly in young men. This study examined the health records of nearly 7 million Danish citizens and determined that up to 30% of schizophrenia diagnoses — around 3,000 in total — could have been prevented if young men hadn’t abused marijuana.

THC, Brain, Delta-8, Research
Not Your Mom’s Pot: How Increased Potency Has Changed Marijuana Consumption

Marijuana is typically four-times stronger than it was a couple decades ago. On top of the boosted potency, since legalization, growers have been able to refine their skills to grow strains for unique and specific ailments. Not to mention the exploding market of concentrates and dab culture.


Potency, THC, THC levels
Can we please stop pretending marijuana is harmless?

Levy says. “We are simply not prepared for the fallout of marijuana legalization.”
Each hit of THC rewires the function of this critical cognitive system: Early evidence in mice has shown that repeated exposure to THC causes these receptors to disappear altogether, blunting the natural response to positive behaviors and requiring higher doses to achieve the same effect. Marijuana exploits essential pathways we’ve evolved to retrieve a memory, to delicately regulate our metabolism, and to derive happiness from everyday life.

Myth, news article, THC, youth, Harmless
THC, CBD, Potency
Marijuana three times stronger than in the 1980s, lab tests report.
Colorado-0, Potency, THC
Ed Wood- FL per se law

Based upon the foregoing evidence, this author has a clear preference for zero tolerance laws to deal with the increasing scourge of DUID.  The increasingly accepted Libertarian view is that such laws criminalize personal choices that cause no harm to citizens other than the drug consumer.  Laws requiring probable cause be first established before requiring a blood sample theoretically alleviate this concern, but are unconvincing to opponents of zero-tolerance laws.  Adoption of New Zealand’s approach is suggested as a means of gaining acceptance of zero tolerance laws without unduly harming Libertarian sensitivities.

Wood, Potency, 2017 Legislation, THC levels, THC
Futile Search

The fact is that there is no level of THC in blood above which everyone is impaired, and below which no one is impaired.  This is not because we need more studies; it’s because of human biology. Consider the following three factors.

Wood, Potency, 2017 Legislation, THC levels, THC
Medical marijuana in Oregon: State program prone to exploitation, abuse, report says

“Liquid THC production - - and incidence of butane hash oil lab explosions -- is expected to rise as the market expands for marijuana edibles and demand increases for product that has a strong psychoactive effect,” the report notes.

Oregon, abuse, Black Market, THC
Blowing Smoke
  • Calling the ballot measure’s wording “disingenuous,” he predicted if the measure becomes part of the Florida constitution, “We’ll have more places selling [pot] than we have Starbucks.”
  • No responsible scientific studies exist to demonstrate that inhaling the smoke of burning cannabis constitutes the optimum delivery system, but data indicating the same risks associated with smoking tobacco (cancer, emphysema, pneumonia, heart disease) attach to toking up.

pot shops, ballot, legalization, THC
Parental THC Exposure Leads to Compulsive Heroin-Seeking and Altered Striatal Synaptic Plasticity in the Subsequent Generation.

Recent attention has been focused on the long-term impact of cannabis exposure, for which experimental animal studies have validated causal relationships between neurobiological and behavioral alterations during the individual's lifetime.

Studies, THC, Pregnancy, Consequences
What you should know about medical marijuana
Medical, THC, Effects
Everything you needed to know about CBD

There is absolutely no reliable scientific evidence that THC is necessary to synergize the effects of CBD. Instead, there is evidence from preclinical research that THC may be pro-convulsant in sensitive brains; other research indicates that chronic use of THC can impair IQ in adolescents. Physicians are beginning to report instances of THC toxicity in children taking “high CBD” preparations, e.g., high anxiety, increased seizures, insomnia, etc. Until more is known, the most conservative course of action would be to remove THC entirely from a CBD product.

CBD, SAM, Potency, THC
Cannabis / Marijuana ( Δ 9 -Tetrahydrocannabinol, THC)

Decreased car handling performance, increased reaction times, impaired time and distance estimation, inability to maintain headway, lateral travel, subjective sleepiness, motor incoordination, and impaired sustained vigilance have all been reported. Some drivers may actually be able to improve performance for brief periods by overcompensating for self-perceived impairment. The greater the demands placed on the driver, however, the more critical the likely impairment. Marijuana may particularly impair monotonous and prolonged driving. Decision times to evaluate situations and determine appropriate responses increase. Mixing alcohol and marijuana may dramatically produce effects greater than either drug on its own.

NHTSA, THC, Pharmacokinetics, driving
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