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Long-term effects of prenatal cannabis exposure: Pathways to adolescent and adult outcomes 06/26/2022 |
Highlights Pregnancy, adolescent |
Teens who use concentrated marijuana more likely to use other drugs 08/26/2019 |
In the study, published Monday in the journal Pediatrics, researchers surveyed almost 50,000 adolescents in Arizona. The researchers found that among teens who used any form of cannabis, 72 percent had experience with the more potent products. Overall, the researchers found that 33 percent of the teens had tried some form of pot and 24 percent said they had used concentrated forms. The likelihood of a student using cannabis rose with age: 20 percent of the eighth graders said they’d used the drug, compared to 35 percent of the 10th graders and 46 percent of the 12th graders.
Similarly, 15 percent of the eighth graders, 25 percent of the 10th graders and 33 percent of 12th graders said they had used cannabis concentrates. Concentrate users had the highest rates of having tried other drugs.
consentrates, Teens, adolescent, Vaping |
Paulding County teen undergoes CPR after vaping at school 05/05/2019 |
A Paulding County student collapsed and nearly died after taking a hit off a vape pen. The dramatic scene unfolded in front of a class when the South Paulding High School student collapsed and stopped breathing. Vaping, Georgia, adolescent |
Marijuana use and physical dating violence among adolescents and emerging adults: A systematic review and meta-analysis. 03/18/2017 |
Findings suggest that marijuana use is associated with a 54% increase in the odds PDV (physical dating violence) victimization, and a 45% increase in the odds of perpetration. CONCLUSIONS: Findings suggest that dating violence is a correlate of marijuana use, and that association is strongest among adolescents (vs. emerging adults) and girls (vs. boys). meta-analysis, PDV, adolescent, Studies, Research, ncbi |
Letter: Marijuana availability and increased use directly harms our children 03/12/2017 |
Adolescent marijuana use has significantly increased in our state post-legalization, as has been documented in numerous studies. Ask any teenager and they will tell you that marijuana use is rampant in our local high schools, which is obviously not surprising given its widespread availability and the perception of its safety. While we can debate the effects on adults, marijuana use clearly has a detrimental impact on a teenager. Read more here: adolescent, legalization, opinion |
Marijuana use in adolescence may increase risk for psychotic symptoms 06/17/2016 |
Analysis indicated that for each year adolescent boys engaged in regular marijuana use, their projected level of subsequent subclinical psychotic symptoms increased by 21% and projected risk for subclinical paranoia or hallucinations increased by 133% and 92%, respectively. youth, adolescent, Psychosis |
Adolescent Cannabinoid Exposure Induces a Persistent Sub-Cortical Hyper-Dopaminergic State and Associated Molecular Adaptations in the Prefrontal Cortex 01/04/2016 |
Thus, adolescent THC exposure induced behavioral abnormalities resembling positive and negative schizophrenia-related endophenotypes and a state of neuronal hyperactivity in the mesocorticolimbic dopamine (DA) pathway. Furthermore, we observed profound alterations in several prefrontal cortical molecular pathways consistent with sub-cortical DAergic dysregulation. Our findings demonstrate a profound dissociation in relative risk profiles for adolescent versus adulthood exposure to THC in terms of neuronal, behavioral, and molecular markers resembling neuropsychiatric pathology. Brain, adolescent, Research |
Adolescent substance use and educational attainment: An integrative data analysis comparing cannabis and alcohol from three Australasian cohorts 11/01/2015 |
Adolescent cannabis use increased the odds of non-progression with formal education.
alcohol, adolescent |
Public Policy Statement on Marijuana, Cannabinoids and Legalization 09/21/2015 |
Given these statistics.... is legalization worth the consequences.... Research, legalization, asam, Long-term, Pregnancy, adolescent, youth, cigarettes |
The Relationship Between Marijuana Use and Intimate Partner Violence in a Nationally Representative, Longitudinal Sample 07/14/2015 |
Adolescent marijuana use, particularly consistent use throughout adolescence, is associated with perpetration or both perpetration of and victimization by intimate partner violence in early adulthood. These findings have implications for intimate partner violence prevention efforts, as marijuana use should be considered as a target of early intimate partner violence intervention and treatment programming. adolescent, crime, Domestic Violence, Research, USF, UF |
Adolescents who view medical marijuana ads more likely to use the drug, study finds 07/06/2015 |
Adolescents who saw advertising for medical marijuana were more likely to either report using marijuana or say they planned to use the substance in the future, according to a new RAND Corporation study. adolescent, advertising |
Effects on Marijuana Use on Developing Adolescents 04/30/2015 |
adolescent, Brain, Effects, ATTC, video |
Researchers warn of “significant link” between marijuana and mania 02/16/2015 |
New research out of Britain’s Warwick University has found a “significant link” between marijuana use and mania, which can range from hyperactivity and difficulty sleeping to aggression, becoming delusional and hearing voices Research, England, adolescent, mania, Studies |
Marijuana Harmfulness to Youth Wellness 12/01/2014 |
youth, adolescent, ATTC, Harmless |
Considering Cannabis: The Effects of Regular Cannabis Use on Neurocognition in Adolescents and Young Adults. 06/01/2014 |
In this review, we will provide a detailed overview of studies outlining the effects of regular (at least weekly) cannabis use on neurocognition, including studies outlining cognitive, structural and functional findings. We will also explore the public health impact of this research. Neurocognition, adolescent, youth |
Cannabis Use during Adolescent Development: Susceptibility to Psychiatric Illness 10/13/2013 |
adolescent, Psychiatric, addiction, Schizophrenia, opioid, Studies |