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Title | |
Health Risk of Vaping 01/27/2020 |
Vaping, video |
Kids Health- Vaping flavored pods 10/24/2019 |
video, Vaping |
The Doctor Is In: Answering Your Marijuana Questions 10/24/2019 |
The Nation's Doctor, VADM Jerome M. Adams, M.D., answers top questions about marijuana. The U.S. Surgeon General addresses marijuana-related questions he often receives including those related to the chemical composition and potency of today’s marijuana, associated risks, and what parents and teachers can say to young people about marijuana. surgeon General, video |
DFAF: The Truth About Marijuana 08/20/2018 |
pathway, heroin, opioid, video |
Medical marijuana gets green light in Tampa 08/25/2017 |
Snelling argued that not everyone using medical marijuana is severely ill, with symptoms like insomnia, mood swings and chronic itching qualifying for the drug. She said she is worried misuse will be widespread. Tampa City Council, miller, video |
Is Pot Losing Its Buzz in Colorado? 01/07/2017 |
Now, as citizen groups attempt to put the brakes on the growing industry, a heated debate has emerged about the drug’s societal impact. Doctors report a spike in pot-related emergency room visits—mostly due to people accidentally consuming too much of potent edible pot products. Police face new cartel-related drug operations. Parents worry about marijuana being sold near their homes and schools. And less affluent communities like Pueblo struggle with the unintended consequences of becoming home to this emerging and controversial industry. Colorado, Pueblo, homeless, crime, Taxes, video |
2016 12-13 FL Senate Health Policy Committee Workshop- Recommendations Article 12/12/2016 |
Is it possible to regulate a plant that people can grow in their backyards? Questions to consider and recommendations for implementing Amendment 2 (legalizing 'medical' marijuana in Florida). Amendment 2, Senate, video |
Colorado Legalization 10/19/2016 |
Governor Owens – Colorado, video, governor |
Marijuana and Opioid Conncection 10/16/2016 |
Connection between legalization of marijuana and increase opioid addiction. Colorado, Pregnancy, opioid, video |
Amendment 2- edibles 10/02/2016 |
edibles, Amendment 2, video |
Morgan YouTube 08/19/2016 |
Morgan Rant 05/16/2016 |
Morgan, video |
Does this sound like valid medicine? 04/20/2016 |
What is the reality of legalizing marijuana under the guise of a medicine? video, Amendment 2, medicine |
Morgan's Rant- Money or Medicine?? 08/31/2015 |
Does this sound like someone concerned about sick people? What is he really compassionate about? news video clip, video, Morgan |
RED IS BLUE 06/05/2015 |
Nothing has changed in over 5 years except pot has become more potent, more used, more harmful, more accepted AND still not medically approved. video |
Saying "No" to Legal Marijuana? 06/04/2015 |
Bertha Madras speak on the evidence that pot is not a medicine. video, madras, youth, Business, evidence |
D.C.'s marijuana law, explained 05/09/2015 |
Washington DC, Laws, video |
Effects on Marijuana Use on Developing Adolescents 04/30/2015 |
adolescent, Brain, Effects, ATTC, video |
The Dabumentary on Dabbing Wax and BHO 02/26/2015 |
video, dabbing, wax, BHO |
Marijuana Effects on the Body 01/30/2015 |
Also, #no2pot video, ATTC, body |
Marijuana Effects on Body, Brain & Behavior 01/30/2015 |
video, Volkow, NIDA, body, Brain, Behavior |
Attorney John B. Morgan, Esq., Mayor of Orlando's Shadow Gov't 11/14/2014 |
Does this sound like someone who is concerned about your family member or sick people? Sounds more like someone who wants legalize marijuana at all costs to our families, youth, highways, and communities. Morgan, video, youtube |
Sheriff Kevin Rambosk, Collier County SPEAKS OUT against Amendment 2 10/11/2014 |
Medical marijuana vacation destination? Is this what we want in Florida? Will it be safe at our amusement parks? video, law enforcement, Sheriff |
Stoners on the job: Nearly 10% of Americans went to work high 09/18/2014 |
video, workplace, Business |
John Morgan Unplugged 09/01/2014 |
John Morgan "Unplugged" after a debate in Polk County. Morgan, video |
Seattle pot co-op sued by Hershey's for trademark infringement 06/04/2014 |
video, candy, Washington |
Deadly Impact of Medical Marijuana in Colorado 05/28/2014 |
video, statistics, crime, Colorado, Death |
NIDA's Dr. Nora Volkow Discusses Marijuana's Effects on the Brain, Body & Behavior 02/10/2014 |
video, youth, Brain, body, Behavior |
Flashpoint discusses 'medical' marijuana 02/04/2014 |
Morgan, news video clip, video |