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Title | |
Medical Marijuana: The State of the Science 02/06/2015 |
Medical cannabinoids are here to stay, but intellectual honesty is imperative if we are moving toward exploiting their potential benefits. Owing to rising THC concentrations of products, "medical" marijuana is rarely good medicine. This review has identified the dangers associated with wholeplant marijuana, whether used for recreational or for supposedly medical purposes. Studies, Research, medscape, mental health, Side-Effects, heart, lungs, body, Brain, youth, cannabis, Resource Paper |
Marijuana Effects on the Body 01/30/2015 |
Also, #no2pot video, ATTC, body |
Marijuana Effects on Body, Brain & Behavior 01/30/2015 |
video, Volkow, NIDA, body, Brain, Behavior |
NIDA's Dr. Nora Volkow Discusses Marijuana's Effects on the Brain, Body & Behavior 02/10/2014 |
video, youth, Brain, body, Behavior |
What Is Marijuana? What Is Cannabis? 06/18/2013 |
This article focuses on cannabis' medicinal and recreational aspects. Cannabis, the plant, contains over 400 chemicals, including a penicillin-like antibiotic, cannabidiolic acid. The Cannabis plants' chemical derivatives can be used for either recreational or therapeutic (medicinal) purposes. Active Ingredients, body, Side-Effects, youth |