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15 Things the Cannabis Industry Doesn't Want You to Know 02/22/2024 |
1. Today's marijuana is not just a plant - it is genetically modified, potent and contains toxins 2. Marijuana can have contaminants and toxins. 3. The drug industry targets youth 4. Marijuana stunts brain growth 5. Marijuana is Addictive 6. Marijuana is a risk factor for psychosis and schizophrenia.... Delta-8, Side-Effects, addiction |
Counseling Parents and Teens About Marijuana Use in the Era of Legalization of Marijuana 05/07/2017 |
Pediatricians are in a unique position to provide parents and teenagers with accurate information and counseling regarding the consequences of marijuana or cannabis use by children, teenagers, and adults. A number of strategies can be used to counsel families about preventing use and to intervene if marijuana is being used either recreationally or medically by the families for whom they provide medical care. talking points, pediatricians, parents, Side-Effects |
Learn more about the risks marijuana use poses to your health. 01/29/2017 |
Here are just a few of the health effects you may want to know:
Brain, heart, lungs, mental health, poisoning, Pregnancy, driving, CDC, stroke, Side-Effects |
Marijuana Exposure Among Kids Under 6 Rises Sharply 07/04/2016 |
The children who were exposed to marijuana experienced mostly effects such as drowsiness and lethargy, followed by lack of coordination, irritability and confusion. Serious effects were less common, but some children experienced comas and seizures. Around 80 percent of the children experienced effects that last from between 2 hours and one day, according to the study. Side-Effects, poisoning, Children, edibles |
Marijuana Use: Detrimental to Youth 04/01/2016 |
In summary, marijuana use is harmful to children and adolescents. For this reason, the American College of Pediatricians opposes its legalization for recreational use and urges extreme caution in legalizing it for medicinal use. Likewise, the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (AACAP) recently offered their own policy statement opposing efforts to legalize marijuana. They similarly pointed out that “marijuana’s deleterious effects on adolescent brain development, cognition, and social functioning may have immediate and long-term implications, including increased risk of motor vehicle accidents, sexual victimization, academic failure, lasting decline in intelligence measures, psychopathology, addiction, and psychosocial and occupational impairment.” Thus the AACAP (a) opposes efforts to legalize marijuana, (b) supports initiatives to increase awareness of marijuana’s harmful effects on adolescents, (c) supports improved access to evidence-based treatment, rather than emphasis on criminal charges, for adolescents with cannabis use disorder, and (d) supports careful monitoring of the effects of marijuana-related policy changes on child and adolescent mental health.49 The College agrees with this position on marijuana. American Academy of Pediatrics, youth, Research, Side-Effects |
Medical Marijuana: The State of the Science 02/06/2015 |
Medical cannabinoids are here to stay, but intellectual honesty is imperative if we are moving toward exploiting their potential benefits. Owing to rising THC concentrations of products, "medical" marijuana is rarely good medicine. This review has identified the dangers associated with wholeplant marijuana, whether used for recreational or for supposedly medical purposes. Studies, Research, medscape, mental health, Side-Effects, heart, lungs, body, Brain, youth, cannabis, Resource Paper |
Long-term effects of marijuana use on the brain 10/13/2014 |
Long-term, Side-Effects, Brain, Research, Studies |
Clearing the air around marijuana use 07/02/2014 |
addiction, faith-based, Side-Effects |
Should Marijuana Require Warning Labels? 03/12/2014 |
lungs, harm, warning, Side-Effects |
Israeli pharmacists: Cannabis can cause side-effects, even death 01/15/2014 |
The effects of cannabis, the report continues, can be euphoria or dysphoria, calm, anxiety or even psychosis. Additional phenomena include heightened wakefulness followed by drowsiness, a sharpening of the senses followed by slower comprehension, and increased motor activity followed by problems of coordination. “Many of these side effects of cannabis stems from a high dosage or chronic use,” writes the pharmacists' association. Death, Isreal, Pharmacists, Effects, Side-Effects |
What Is Marijuana? What Is Cannabis? 06/18/2013 |
This article focuses on cannabis' medicinal and recreational aspects. Cannabis, the plant, contains over 400 chemicals, including a penicillin-like antibiotic, cannabidiolic acid. The Cannabis plants' chemical derivatives can be used for either recreational or therapeutic (medicinal) purposes. Active Ingredients, body, Side-Effects, youth |