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"They’re All High” – New Orleans Police Chief Says Rats Are Eating Marijuana Confiscated As Evidence 03/11/2024 |
Yeah, so apparently rats have infested the evidence room down there at HQ and are feasting on the drugs that have been confiscated by police. rats, fatal |
More than 5.4 million Americans are medical cannabis patients. In Florida alone, there are 788,297 medical cannabis cardholders as of Jan. 27 – a 1,107.01 percent increase since 2018. BY GISELE GALOUSTIAN | 2/9/2023
In the United States, 49.6 million Americans ages 12 and older used cannabis or marijuana in 2020. More than 5.4 million Americans are medical cannabis patients. In Florida alone, where medical cannabis has been legal since 2014, there has been a 1,107.01 percent increase in the number of people with medical cannabis cards, from about 65,310 cardholders in 2018 to 788,297 as of Jan. 27.
Nearly 99 percent of individuals using cannabis and synthetic cannabis died from accidents. Most of these accidents were due to drug intoxications (83.93 percent) and motor vehicular crashes or collisions (14.17 percent) that caused blunt traumas to the head and torso. More motor vehicular accidents were observed in cannabis use as a cause of death rather than synthetic cannabis use. Four individuals died from drowning under the influence of cannabis. Delta-8, synthetics, fatal, Death |
Marijuana Legalization and Opioid Deaths 02/16/2022 |
These results indicate that legal medical marijuana, particularly when available through retail dispensaries, is associated with higher opioid mortality. The results for recreational marijuana, while less reliable, also suggest that retail sales through dispensaries are associated with greater death rates relative to the counterfactual of no legal cannabis. fatal, opioid, Fatalities, Medical, 2023 Presentation Dr Berry |
Wrongful Death Lawsuit Filed Ingesting Marijuana Edibles 10/20/2020 |
“These companies disguise and market their products as safe, fun and healthy, going so far as to represent to consumers that the products ‘deliver(ed) the wellbeing and relief to all those that seek it.’ What they do not tell consumers is that the use of their products carry extreme risk of serious injury or even death,” said Francavilla.” fatal, Fatalities |
2017 Annual Report- Florida Medical Examiner 11/01/2018 |
The seven most frequently occurring drugs found in decedents were ethyl alcohol (5,258), benzodiazepines (5,064, including 1,889 alprazolam occurrences), cocaine (3,129), cannabinoids (2,367), fentanyl (2,088), morphine (1,992), and fentanyl analogs (1,685). Since heroin is rapidly metabolized to morphine, this may lead to a substantial over-reporting of morphine-related deaths as well as significant under-reporting of heroin-related deaths. fatal, Florida, Death |
NTSB: Amtrak’s Lax Safety Led to Penn. Crash That Killed Two Workers 11/16/2017 |
He is no longer employed by Amtrak. No amount of marijuana use by an engineer is acceptable, the railroad has said. Amtrak, fatal |
Death by self-mutilation after oral cannabis consumption 11/16/2017 |
Major self-mutilation (amputation, castration, self-inflicted eye injuries) is frequently associated with psychiatric disorders and/or substance abuse. A 35-year-old man presented with behavioral disturbances of sudden onset after oral cannabis consumption and major self-mutilation (attempted amputation of the right arm, self-enucleation of both eyes and impalement) which resulted in death. D fatal, oral cannabis |