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California Woman Who Stabbed Boyfriend 100 Times in ‘Cannabis Induced Psychosis’ May Only Face 4 Years in Prison 12/03/2023 |
Spejcher told police who responded at the time that she had smoked marijuana before the alleged incident, the VC Star reported. That marijuana was so strong that it caused her to feel like she had died and had to fight her way out of it. cannabis-induced psychosis |
Boston Medical Center Psychiatrists Innovate to Treat Teenagers With Marijuana-Induced Psychosis 11/16/2023 |
When teenagers smoked marijuana back in 1995, the amount of THC, or active ingredient in the drug, was about 4%. But times have changed. With new methods of testing, growing, and regulating marijuana, teens now have access to cannabis with increasingly higher levels of THC. One study found that in 2017 the average potency of marijuana had increased to 17%. This increased potency, plus easier access to many forms of marijuana in recent years, has some dedicated healthcare professionals working to address the possible mental health effects marijuana use may be having on young users, including the risk for psychosis. cannabis-induced psychosis, Delta-8, Research |
In conclusion, emerging data on the correlation between cannabis use and suicide risk in patients with schizophrenia or other schizophrenic spectrum disorders are insufficient to draw firm conclusions. Nonetheless these studies seem to suggest a positive correlation of cannabis use with increased suicide risk, particularly regarding first episode psychosis (FEP) and male gender. Clinicians should be aware of the possibility of a higher risk of suicidal behavior associated specifically with cannabis use for men and patients during FEP. suicide, cannabis-induced psychosis |
Oregon will outlaw all delta-8 THC products this Friday 09/23/2022 |
![]() Starting this Friday, July 1, all Oregon businesses—including gas stations and grocery stores—will be prohibited from selling any and all “artificially derived cannabinoids.” That means not just heavy hitters like delta-8 and THC-O, but non-psychoactive compounds like cannabinol (CBN) as well. Although a dozen states have moved to ban delta-8 and other hemp-derived cannabinoids that act similarly to THC, Oregon will be the first state to ban all artificially derived cannabinoids. Delta-8, cannabis-induced psychosis |
Associations of Cannabis Use across Adolescence and Early Adulthood With Health and Psychosocial Adjustment 06/13/2022 |
Associations of Cannabis Use across Adolescence and Early Adulthood With Health and Psychosocial Adjustment in Early Adulthood and Midadulthood in Men cannabis-induced psychosis, men, young adults, study, PubMed |
Potent cannabis strain ‘causing psychosis time bomb’ in US 06/12/2022 |
The mass legalisation of cannabis has led to a mental health “time bomb” in the United States and scientists are warning that stronger strains are driving psychosis among young people. cannabis-induced psychosis |
Marijuana and Mass Psychosis—A Contrarian Take with Alex Berenson 06/10/2022 |
Alex Berenson—one of the foremost “dissident” voices to speak out against COVID hysteria throughout the pandemic, who joins Charlie to talk about a different topic that rarely gets breached on the program: Weed and it’s crushing effect on society when it comes to crime and civilizational decline. cannabis-induced psychosis, Charlie Kirk, Berenson |
Johnnys Ambassadors- Mental Illness and Marijuana 01/14/2022 |
![]() Articles on link between mental illness and marijuana Johnnys Ambassadors, mental health, cannabis-induced psychosis, Psychosis, youth |
Association of Cannabis Use-Related Predictor Variables and Self-Reported Psychotic Disorders: U.S. Adults, 2001-2002 and 2012-2013 01/01/2022 |
Data from the U.S. general population, especially more recent data, suggest associations between self-reported psychotic disorder and frequent nonmedical cannabis use and cannabis use disorder. Clinicians and policy makers should consider these relationships when monitoring patients and formulating programs. (Nonmedical use does not mean they didn't use medical marijuana but used to get high or selfmedicated.) cannabis-induced psychosis, NIH, Psychosis |
Cannabis and Psychosis: Recent Epidemiological Findings Continuing the “Causality Debate” 01/01/2022 |
In summary, much of the available evidence supports the criteria of strength, consistency, biological gradient, and temporality for cannabis causing psychosis. Furthermore, supporting specificity, while many substances are known to induce psychosis, the risk for conversion to schizophrenia is greatest with cannabis-induced psychosis. cannabis-induced psychosis, Research, Psychosis |
cannabis use to variation in the incidence of psychotic disorder across Europe 03/19/2019 |
In conclusion, our findings confirm previous evidence of the harmful effect on mental health of daily use of cannabis, especially of high-potency types. Importantly, they indicate for the first time how cannabis use affects the incidence of psychotic disorder. Therefore, it is of public health importance to acknowledge alongside the potential medicinal properties of some cannabis constituents the potential adverse effects that are associated with daily cannabis use, especially of high-potency varieties. Research, study, Lancet, Potency, Psychosis, cannabis-induced psychosis |
Association between cannabis use and psychosis-related outcomes using sibling pair analysis in a cohort of young adults. 02/07/2019 |
CONCLUSIONS: Truth, hallucinations, cannabis-induced psychosis, Psychosis |
Cannabis-Induced Psychosis: A Review 07/14/2017 |
Reports have shown a staggering increase in cannabis-related emergency department (ED) visits in recent years. In 2011, the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) and Drug Abuse Warning Network (DAWN) estimated a total of 1.25 million illicit-drug–related ED visits across the US, of which 455,668 were marijuana related.2 A similar report published in 2015 by the Washington Poison Center Toxic Trends Report showed a dramatic increase in cannabis-related ED visits.3 In states with recent legalization of recreational cannabis, similar trends were seen. cannabis-induced psychosis, Psychosis |
Cannabis and psychosis: Neurobiology 03/23/2014 |
Cannabis is involved in approximately 50% of psychosis, schizophrenia, and schizophreniform psychosis cases Cannabis is a known risk factor for schizophrenia, although the exact neurobiological process through which the effects on psychosis occur is not well understood. Cannabis is also of particular interest in both the first-episode psychosis (FEP) and the ultra high risk (UHR) populations. This is mainly due to their increased susceptibility to cannabis abuse. cannabis-induced psychosis, ncbi, Psychosis |