youth usage

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We need to talk about marijuana’s potential harm to youths

One study shows nearly half of college students said they consumed marijuana. Eight percent reported they used it daily or nearly every day. One in 5 high school students used marijuana in the preceding 30 days.

But there are real dangers associated with the substance, as a 2020 report from the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) showsAbundant research demonstrates how exposure to marijuana during childhood impacts later cognitive ability, including memory, attention, motivation and learning. Studies have linked regular cannabis use in adolescents with lower IQs in adulthood and higher propensity to drop out of high school. This association persists in college-age students. One large study followed college students and found frequency of marijuana use to correlate with skipping classes, lower grade-point average and longer time to graduation.


students, mental health, youth usage, washington post
Utah's Sheriff Association 2017 Position Paper

“So called medical marijuana in other states has become a farce and a sham. The average user of smoked medical marijuana has no chronic illness and is a white male in his mid-30s with a history of drug and alcohol abuse. . . In the last 20 years and due to market demand, constant genetic engineering has increased THC potency in marijuana plants, and extraction-concentration methods are becoming extremely popular and widespread. become addicted.”Marijuana is the 2nd leading cause of impaired driving arrests. One in six adolescents trying marijuana will become addicted.
“In the city of Denver since the legalization of marijuana Denver Police Department is dealing with a 900% increase in the unlawful cultivation and manufacture of marijuana concentrate, and a 99% increase in unlawful distribution of marijuana and marijuana concentrate.
Marijuana is the #1 problem in Colorado schools. In school year 2015-16, 63% of all drug related school suspensions were for marijuana. 58% of all drug related school expulsions were for marijuana. 73% of all drug related school referrals to law enforcement were for marijuana violations. Youth past month marijuana use is 74% higher than the national average.

Utah, postition statement, Sheriff, Black Market, youth usage, zoning, dropout
Marijuana use in early adolescence may affect verbal IQ

"The study suggests that the effects of cannabis use on verbal intelligence are explained not by neurotoxic effects on the brain, but rather by a possible social mechanism," said lead author Natalie Castellanos-Ryan, Assistant Professor at Universite de Montreal in Canada

IQ, youth usage, Brain
Has Marijuana Legalization Increased Marijuana Use Among US Youth?

If the changes observed in Washington are attributable to legalization, why were there no changes found in Colorado? The authors suggest that this may have been because Colorado’s medical marijuana laws were much more liberal before legalization than those in Washington. After 2009, Colorado permitted medical marijuana to be supplied through for-profit dispensaries and allowed advertising of medical marijuana products. This hypothesis is supported by other evidence that the perceived risks of marijuana use decreased and marijuana use increased among young people in Colorado after these changes in 2009.

youth usage, legalization
DrugFacts—Monitoring the Future Survey: High School and Youth Trends

This year, daily marijuana use exceeded cigarette use among 10th (2.5 vs. 1.9 percent) as well as 12th (6.0 vs. 4.8 percent) graders.

monitoring the future, 2016, youth usage
Study: Teens' likelihood of trying marijuana peaks at 16, 18

“Many existing marijuana intervention programs target students age 15 and older,” Chen said. “Our findings demonstrate the need to start drug education much earlier, in the fourth or fifth grade. This gives us an opportunity to make a preemptive strike before they actually start using marijuana.”

youth usage, prevention
Colorado Youth Marijuana Use:
  • The 2013/2014 survey results show Colorado youth ranked No. 1 in the nation for past month marijuana use, up from No. 4 in 2011/2012.
  • Colorado youth past month marijuana use for 2013/2014 was 74 percent higher than the national average (12.56 percent vs. 7.22 percent).

Colorado, youth usage, School

The top 10 states with the highest adolescent marijuana use rates in 2013-2014 were all states that legalized pot as medicine or as recreation. The lowest adolescent use rates were reported in states where marijuana has not been legalized as medicine or as recreation. How can pro-pots argue that legalization will reduce youth marijuana use? Stats prove otherwise!

--Of the 10 states with the highest rates of past month marijuana use among adolescents, 5 were in the Northeast (Vermont, Rhode Island, Maine, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts), 4 were in the West (Colorado, Oregon, Washington, and Alaska), and 1 was in the South (District of Columbia)


SAMHSA, youth usage
Adolescent substance use and educational attainment: An integrative data analysis comparing cannabis and alcohol from three Australasian cohorts

alcohol, youth usage
Legalization of Marijuana- Impact Report

See report for details, graphs, data.

Colorado, Potency, youth usage, vehicle, social costs, Business
DEA Position Paper on Marijuana
  • The earlier an individual begins to use marijuana, the likelier he or she is to be arrested.
  • What greatly concerned the researchers is that many teens don’t even consider marijuana use a distraction to their driving.
  • According to National Families in Action, four individuals—George Soros, Peter Lewis, George Zimmer, and John Sperling— contributed $1,510,000 to the effort to pass a “medical” marijuana law in California in 1996, a sum representing nearly 60 percent of the total contributions.
  • “THC, a key ingredient in marijuana, alters the ability of the hippocampus, a brain area related to learning and memory, to communicate effectively with other brain regions. In addition, we know from recent research that marijuana use that begins during adolescence can lower IQ and impair other measures of mental function in adulthood

DEA, position paper, dangers, medical association, non-users, youth usage
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